Newcomers, Newish, or Need to get connected?
You are so welcome here!
A little more about us, video style.
Already been to worship?
Experienced our authentic welcome?
Ready to delve deeper? Let’s get you connected.
At our Sunday morning gathering, you are invited to complete an action card and let us know you’ve been here. If you haven’t provided us information, then we may not have been able to reach out to you.
Our community knows all that’s taking place via our weekly e-news.
Click here to subscribe to our e-news.
Have you been to worship a time or two? Share with us a little bit about yourself by filling out our Newcomers’ Form. Find it here.
Ready To Commit?
Interested in knowing more about how to “join” our community? Joining is for gym memberships, country clubs, and secret societies. The Jesus Way is wide open welcome so we don’t do typical membership. We believe the Ways of Jesus are a movement and so we invite folks to partner in the vision for that movement toward the realm of God. Threshold partnership is the way we partner towards a new state of affairs in our lives, the church and the world. Interested? Read more here.
Community Life
Community life represents the way we care for one another, build community, and make sure people aren’t getting lost in the bigness of church. This is holy work! It’s God’s work. It allows us to help those we don’t know and those who aren’t in our constant social arenas or immediate circle of care. Our church digs deep no matter what unfolds. Let us be love and light to one another. Been around and ready to participate more fully in our community by joining one of our Community Interest Groups or one of our Ministry Teams? Let us know by emailing: Or complete this form.
Learn more about our Community Life structure by clicking here.
BReeze, the database for Partners & Friends
Our community stays connected through our Breeze Database. Once you’ve been around awhile and feel like staying, as a Threshold Partner or friend, let us know so we can add you to Breeze. The best way to connect is by emailing your request to:
Want to Experience More?
Watch Sunday Gatherings on our YouTube Channel @LandoftheSkyUCC