Everything about us, and the kitchen sink:


What We Believe

We belong to Christ. “We belong to Christ” is a loaded phrase. It’s loaded because it means different things to different people. It comforts some, and challenges others. Simply put, “we” means that you are not alone, you are part of a larger body that is both broken and blessed. “Belong” is more than belief, it’s a vital relationship. “To Christ” means that we understand and encounter God’s deep mystery and liberating salvation in Jesus Christ. We call ourselves part of the “United Church of Christ” because we seek to embrace the world as widely as Jesus’ own arms.

We are a people of extravagant welcome. Jesus lived and breathed gracious hospitality. Although the political and religious authorities of his day opposed Jesus’ extravagant welcome, he embraced those living on the edges of society. In gratitude, because God welcomes us, we are called to boldly stand in solidarity with those who suffer and remain alienated in our world. To read about our position as an Open and Affirming church, click here.

That they may all be one. We are a covenant people – held together even in our differences through the bond of unity. Jesus prayed, “that they may be one,” and we walk as companions along a sacred path. We believe that when we come together with all of our particularities and gifts, we more fully express the body of Christ in the world.

Testimonies of faith rather than tests of faith. The unity that we seek does not require an uncritical acceptance of any point of view. Because faith can be expressed in many different ways, we have no formula that is a test of faith. Instead, we call forth stories, testimonies, songs, and artistic expressions that point to where we see God in the world, in our community, and in our lives.

Responsible freedom. As individual members, we are free to believe and act in accordance with our understanding of God’s will for our lives. But we are called to live in a loving covenantal relationship with each other-gathering in communities of faith that nurture spiritual growth.

The priesthood of all believers. All members of the church are called to discern their gifts and listen for God’s calling. We participate as equals in the common worship of God, each with direct access to the mercies of God through personal prayer. While our co-pastors have received special training in pastoral functions, they seek to serve, guide, facilitate, and empower all Christians to do the work of ministry rather than do the work of ministry for us.

There is yet more light and truth to break forth from God’s Word. As a foundational source for understanding God’s good news, we honor the Bible’s persistent wisdom. Though written in a particular time and place, we believe the Bible still speaks to us because God is a still-speaking God. The study of Scripture is not limited by past interpretations but is to be pursued with expectancy for new insights and help for living today.

About the United Church of Christ. We are a part of the UCC denomination, a community of faith that seeks to respond in word and deed to the life and ministry of Jesus. The UCC was founded in 1957 when four traditions united to become one: Christians, Congregationalists, Evangelical, and Reformed. The formation of the UCC followed the prayer of Jesus for the church, “that they may all be one.” The UCC is one of the most diverse denominations in the United States, and one of the most progressive. We are a denomination that values an open and affirming welcome of all persons, accessibility for all, creating community that is multiracial, multicultural, and commitment to a just peace. Our member churches are independent, with no official denominational hierarchy, yet we are in mutual, willing covenant with one another through regional associations and conferences, believing that we can live together in communion even when we disagree. Our congregation is a part of the Western North Carolina Association of the Southern Conference of the United Church of Christ. For more information about the UCC, please visit www.ucc.org.


Pastor Sara

I’m lucky to have grown up in a family where I was told I could be anything I wanted to be, but sometimes what we see as possible is limited by what we’ve known. I was mid-way through a graduate program in political science on my way to being a college professor, when I discerned my call to ministry. I had imagined myself as a lawyer and a professor, but had never been in the presence of a woman minister and never considered I would serve in such a capacity. When I came to the United Church of Christ, I was blessed to be in the presence of ministers from all walks of life who opened my eyes and my heart to God’s call on my life.

I attended Chicago Theological Seminary where my faith was challenged; I was given the invaluable opportunity to ask questions and seek answers while learning to live in the uncertainty that often comes from a well-examined faith. Open to the holy mystery of our faith, there is much I am certain about. The foundation of my faith is the love and grace of God made known in Jesus Christ, which I’ve seen throughout my life and I see it at work in the world each and every day.

Since my seminary education, I have served in pastoral leadership in a variety of church families, served as a chaplain to patients and their families at Mission Hospital, assisted families in the midst of decisions about organ donation, and served as the Director of New Church Initiatives for the Center for Progressive Renewal. I am an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation.

I am blessed by the love of my partner and friend, Jeff and our daughters, Anna and Ella. We live in East Asheville. I love cooking and baking, enjoying culinary delights, keeping in touch with friends and family, and have been known to watch too much television. This community of faith has blossomed into a congregation that is more than I could have ever imagined.  I am so grateful for all that the United Church of Christ has to offer-a place to ask questions, to honor diversity and to be transformed by the powerful love of Christ. Come join us as we journey together!

Music Minister Ryan

Life should be a journey meant to teach and mold us into the best that we can be; mine has been just that. Born in a small rural town in Northwest Iowa I began my journey in a simple way. I was taught love and kindness, the importance of hard work and dedication, and the importance of family (biological OR chosen) above all else. Being true to myself and discovering my true nature, growing up in Lutheran Church was not necessarily easy, but I learned a great deal that would eventually serve as the foundation of my life in ministry. I have felt a call to music ministry from a very young age. It has played a pivotal role in both my life and faith journeys. It has been the cornerstone through all of my growth and change. Life has not been without its struggles. Questioning my resolve in the Christian church, addiction, failed endeavors and relationships have all been part of my story, but the one Truth that has carried me through and connected me to the universe has been my ministry in music. Music can soothe a wounded soul, comfort a tortured mind, and heal a broken heart.

Since moving to Asheville, I have graduated with my Bachelors in Social Work, and work for Carolina Outreach as an Intensive In Home Therapist. I am blessed to work every day helping children, adolescents, youth, and their families navigate their own difficult journeys.   My plans and goals for the future include both my Masters in Social Work as well as my Masters in Divinity.

Being a part of a faith community that builds upon a foundation of extravagant welcome and inclusivity is incredibly important to me. I have grown and changed through the Lutheran Church, the Metropolitan Community Church, and have found a home within the United Church of Christ. I believe that God is still speaking to all people and calls us to ask questions, challenge the status quo, and to be open to the message that all people are welcome within the community of the Spirit. I am excited to grow in faith and in community at Land of the Sky United Church of Christ, and to begin the next steps on my journey with you.

Music Minister Jenna

Jenna plays a variety of instruments, including guitar, and is “madly in love with the banjo.” After touring full time and living out of a purple suitcase for several years, she is so glad to call North Carolina home (again!) and to put down roots in Asheville with her partner, Kim. Jenna says, “I believe everyone has a voice and there is undeniable magic in singing together. Music comes from a spiritual source and helps lead us back to that center, the heart. Music cracks open the door and allows us to connect more deeply ~ with ourselves, with each other, with God, the universe, and all creation.” You can learn more about Jenna’s music at www.jennalindbo.com.

Administrative Operations Manager

Sarahbeth is our Administrative Operations Manager, though if you ask her she’ll cheekily say she’s the Fluffy Church Office Angel. Sarahbeth, born and raised in North Carolina, lives in the country of WNC with her spouse, Gracia, their daughter and 2 naughty dogs. She has a background in design and can be found sewing or gardening in her spare time. Passionate about justice work, Sarahbeth says at least once a week: “I love the people that I serve.” (And I do).

Coordinator of Kids’ and Youth Programming

Kids’ Ministry

But Jesus called for them and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” — Luke 18:16

Land of the Sky United Church of Christ is the faith home of many children and youth. As we grow this faith community, we continue to grow the programs and opportunity for the youth in our midst. We encourage parents and partners in our community to consider how they may give to the ministries for children at Land of the Sky United Church of Christ. Our children are the future of the church!

Preschool – 1t Grade: Godly Play

Godly Play is a Montessori-based approach to Christian education that values process, openness and discovery. Through Godly Play, the innate spirituality of children is nurtured and their imagination is awakened as they encounter the mystery of God. In our classroom, children are invited into biblical stories, worship, and the creative exploration of God’s presence among us. The rhythm of Godly Play mirrors the rhythm of worship, and the materials used to tell the biblical stories are beautifully crafted for children’s hands. Godly Play lessons are used with a wide range of age groups across denominations. Godly Play takes place throughout the school year, beginning in September and ending in May.

2nd-3rd Grade: Bible Work

This group is expanding their understanding of the Bible, and building community with one another. They are asking questions and pushing limits. They are fabulous and not easy to keep on track.

4th – 5th Grade: Bible Basics

This age group engages the Biblical text straight on, familiarizing themselves with the Bible’s organizations, many characters, stories and themes. Kids are invited to bring their Bibles each week. They will focus on a variety of stories under the leadership of Noel Nickle and Virginia Himmelhebber.

6th-8th: Youth Sunday School

This class often uses videos to explore faith and God. But they also engage in deep questions that help them understand their place in God’s world. This is a group that plays together and grows together.

Our Whole Lives

Our Whole Lives is a values-based sexuality education curriculum created by the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalists. In today’s culture, the question is not “if” our children will learn about their sexuality, but who will teach them. OWL is an age appropriate curriculum that is offered starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. OWL helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their relationships, health and behavior in the context of their faith. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. It provides not only facts about anatomy and human development, but helps participants to clarify their values, build interpersonal skills and understand the social, emotional and spiritual aspects of sexuality. Participating in a human sexuality program in a supportive and affirming environment in the church as our children grow, will help our children understand that sexuality is an important part of the way God created us; that their church cares about their sexual development and health; and that caring Christian adults are willing and able to talk with them about their questions and concerns. We currently teach the Kindergarden -1st Grade and the 4th-6th Grade OWL class every other year.

Youth Group

Land of the Sky UCC shares our youth group with Circle of Mercy, our sister congregation. There are a variety of youth events through out the year. Youth engage in several service opportunities that include reflection and conversation about how we put faith into action. Land of the Sky volunteers each month at Laundry Love and loves to connect with Asheville Youth Mission, as they bring together youth groups from around Asheville to explore issues relating faith in action. If you would like to be added to our Youth Group mailing list, please email Taleese at youth@landoftheskychurch.org.

Our denomination, the United Church of Christ (UCC) affirms two sacraments—baptism and communion. Both sacraments are outer, visible practices that represent the deeper truth of God with us, God for us, God in us.  We invite you to celebrate these sacraments in your own faith journey.


At Land of the Sky UCC, we proclaim that God’s “Yes!” is upon us even as we are born into this world. To affirm God’s ever-present grace, we present children to the community of faith (signified by some as “infant baptism,” by others as “blessing” or “dedication”). In this act, the community enfolds the young and utters the truth of God’s grace in their lives long before they are able to reciprocate. Then, once an age of accountability is reached, we challenge them to intentionally live out of God’s “Yes!” We invite them to embrace the community of faith and walk in the Way of Jesus (signified by some in the “confirmation” process, by others as “believer’s baptism”).

In our faith tradition, baptism provokes the paradox that we are chosen by God and also have the joy of choosing God. God is the one who initiates grace and reconciliation, and the awareness of being embraced by God is essential for the spiritual journey, particularly walking in the Way of Jesus.

Those desiring to signify the initiation of the faith journey may, after discussion with the pastors, choose the form of baptism for themselves and/or their child. We urge the parents (or legal guardians) of all children to allow the congregation to baptize, or to bless, their young ones as an indicator of covenant responsibility for the community’s role in the forming of faith. And yet we trust that baptized or not, dedicated or not, God’s grace is already upon us.

As a community of faith that celebrates the spiritual truth that we don’t all have to believe uniformly to be in relationship with one another as the body of Christ, there is no “test of faith” for joining our community. Instead, we invite testimonies of what God is doing in your life. Because we know that people come to the path of the spiritual walk from many different directions and for a variety of purposes, we do not require baptism to join our community. Instead, we talk about it, help with discernment around it, and celebrate when people freely choose to baptize their children or to be baptized themselves. God’s grace is wide, it is a privilege to wade into the water with you!


We gather around the table of Jesus Christ to remember how he gathered with friends on the night of betrayal and desertion, on the eve of his death. We gather as the body of Christ, trusting that as we break bread with friends and strangers, our eyes will open anew to the risen Christ in our midst. We come not to express an opinion or to make a statement, but because each of us stand in need of God’s mercy and long to be filled with the love made known in Jesus Christ.

At Land of the Sky UCC, we celebrate an open table. At an open table, all are welcome to break bread together—confessed or not, baptized or not, the young and elders alike. If Judas was welcomed by Jesus to God’s table, then all of us are welcome. We come hungry, trusting that God will do the rest. As an open and affirming congregation (ONA), we reflect the extravagant welcome of Jesus by especially welcoming at our table all of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) sisters and brothers, many of whom have been excluded from the table simply for being themselves. At the table we also intentionally remember the disinherited, the poor, the sick, and those living on life’s margins—all those whom Jesus loved, but who the world counts as last and least. We affirm that in God’s kingdom, the first will be last and the last will be first.

At the table we reaffirm our baptism, God’s “Yes!” upon our lives and practice living out of God’s extravagant grace. We also give voice to our common hope that one day all will feast together at God’s abundant banquet table—reconciled and made whole. And so we break bread together to make manifest the alternate reality of God’s realm.

We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of every month by the ancient practice of intinction—coming forward to tear a piece of bread from the common loaf and dip it in the cup. Gluten free bread is available, as well as juice for our children and those in recovery. Healing prayer is often offered for those who would like to receive it. On communion Sundays, we share the feast and expand the table of Jesus Christ into the world by collecting non-perishable food items for MANNA Food bank. We hope that you will join us as we gather at Christ’s table to taste and see that God is good.


Listen to a Sermon


A Different Kind of Christian Church in Asheville, NC

In Western North Carolina, progressive thinking coupled with mountain culture continues to call residents to reassess our places here, and outsiders to resettle in the beauty of this region. It inspires us to reimagine what it means to be a Christian church in NC.

After serving in associate and interim ministry positions, Sara Wilcox and Amanda Hendler-Voss met in Asheville, through a shared passion for the United Church of Christ.

The increasing demand for vibrant communities of faith that offer an extravagant welcome to all led them to envision a new UCC church plant – to help change what it means to be religious – even spiritual – as a Christian church in Asheville, NC. 

Both discerned God’s call to the exciting task of co-pastoring Land of the Sky United Church of Christ. As co-pastors of this congregation, Amanda and Sara sought to offer a unique model of shared leadership that fosters collaboration (rather than hierarchy), in which each person’s gifts are used for the common good. In the fall of 2008, Amanda and Sara gathered a small core group with the purpose of discerning the vision, mission statement, and location of Land of the Sky UCC.

Throughout the summer of 2009, the community began worshiping monthly, while offering other monthly events to draw in folks and families who might be interested in this new faith community as a new offering among so many Christian churches in North Carolina.

Worship services were held at our first nesting location at 15 Overbrook Place, the home of Westminster Presbyterian Church.

In August of 2009, we launched our first weekly worship service, and, in 2010, added weekly Sunday school classes.

In 2012, we welcomed our 100th member and moved to a new location, sharing space with Kenilworth Presbyterian Church.

In 2013, we were warmly welcomed as a congregation with full standing in the UCC.

In 2014, we expanded our worship music to include the use of the guitar, then eventually – deepening our Appalachian commitments –  the banjo!

In 2015, Westminster Presbyterian Church held its last worship service. In conversation with the Western North Carolina Presbytery, our community collaborated to ensure that the property at 15 Overbrook Place continued to live into the vision and hope of the wider Christian church – in NC and beyond.

On Palm Sunday in 2016, the congregation of Land of the Sky UCC returned to its original location. That Sunday, the congregation gathered in the Fellowship Hall where Land of the Sky UCC had held its first service and together streamed into the sanctuary for our first service in four years at 15 Overbrook Place.

Today, Land of the Sky UCC continues to work toward a vision of partnering with other ministries and agencies to ensure that 15 Overbrook Place aligns with our values to live justly, love abundantly, and walk humbly in the ways of Jesus.

Our sister church, Circle of Mercy, meets on Sunday evenings in the Fellowship Hall of 15 Overbrook Place. A variety of other partners make good use of the building and its space to bring greater goodness and justice to the world. We are committed to serving the wider landscape of Christian churches in North Carolina, as well as those of other faith traditions, and no faith affiliation whatsoever.

As we celebrated our 8th birthday on Pentecost Sunday in 2017, Land of the Sky UCC blessed and released co-founding pastor, Rev. Amanda Hendler-Voss, as she relocated to Northern Virginia with her family. This served as the first transition of pastoral leadership at Land of the Sky UCC.

The vision Amanda and Sara set forth nearly a decade ago continues to break forth in this Beloved Community that more than 300 partners and friends call home.

Young and old, gay and straight and across the spectrum, happy and sad, confused and inspired, street-smart and college-educated, those who can’t pay their bills and those who have more than enough to share . . . with God’s help, we’re continuing to grow into our vocation as a different kind of Christian church in Asheville, NC, even for those who are unsure about Christianity or churches!

Our story continues to unfold.

Want to stay in touch? We hope you join us this Sunday morning at 9:30, but you don’t even have to wait that long to connect with our community email newsletter!