Renew Your Commitment to Land of the Sky for 2023
Scroll down to review our narrative budget,
celebrating our accomplishments from 2022
and our projections for 2023.
The commitments of our partners and friends make the ministries at Land of the Sky UCC possible. People may commit to the life and ministries of this community in covenant as a Threshold Partner or as a friend or newcomer in the community.
Threshold Partnership REQUIRES YOU TO OPT-IN EVERY YEAR. Opting-in demonstrates the depth of your commitment and hopes for Land of the Sky UCC. Land of the Sky UCC is the totality of all who come together to live justly, love abundantly, and walk humbly in the ways of Jesus. Everyone who benefits from this community is asked to give to make it possible.
Partnership provides the opportunity to vote in the decision-making that impacts our church life together. Threshold Partners are asked to worship regularly with our church family; give generously of time, talent and treasure, as they are able; and to witness to the world about God's love and the gift of our community.
We ask you to prayerfully discern your ability to give of time, talent and treasure to this community and indicate your commitments online or using a hard copy of the commitment card. Commitment Sunday is November 13th. Please commit the online card before November 13th or bring your hard copy to worship that Sunday.